How To Rethink Holiday Gifting When You're On A Budget

How To Rethink Holiday Gifting When You're On A Budget

How To Rethink Holiday Gifting When You're On A Budget


If you’re stressing about buying holiday gifts, there are still some unique ways you can share in the season of giving without overspending. Making the most of the holiday season doesn’t mean you have to spend a ton of money. In fact, the experiences and people are usually what you remember most. Here are some tips and thought starters for rethinking holiday gifting, whether you’re on a budget or simply want to spend less this Christmas.


Spending Time Not Money


During the holidays, it seems like everywhere you go, you have to bring a gift. Meeting a friend for coffee. A happy hour with coworkers. The neighborhood Christmas party. However, it’s important to remember that there are certain scenarios where spending time with someone is just as fulfilling as giving them a gift. With close friends, if you’re comfortable, let them know you’re sticking to a budget this year, but would love to spend quality time with them. Then, suggest that you go on a hike or meet for hot cocoa. You can always offer to pick up the tab when you’re out!


You might not get away with spending zero money, but remember it’s the experience that counts. Below are some ways you can spend time with friends new and old.  


  • Go on a hike

  • Arrange a movie night

  • Attend a free holiday event

  • Go to a museum or gallery

  • Drive through neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights

  • Cook dinner together

  • Walk around an outdoor mall


Give The Gift of You


Chances are, you have a unique skill that others would love to experience. Perhaps you’re really good at doing women’s hair. Maybe you’re an expert gift wrapper. Or maybe you have a full-fledged side hustle. Gifting your unique skill or service for the holidays is such a fun way to express yourself and do something kind for someone else. Maybe you offer to babysit for a new mom so she can do some shopping or get some rest. If you’re a writer, you could write a poem or personal bio for someone. You could also cook a homemade meal for someone. This kind of gift is priceless and means so much more than you could ever imagine.


Shop at Thrift And Secondhand Stores


If you value gifting something unique and special, then shopping at a secondhand store may allow you to find something impressive without spending a lot of money. You may have to do some extra shopping at multiple stores to find something, but it’s sure to be one-of-a-kind. Think outside the box before you go shopping, so you’re not disappointed. When shopping secondhand, you can’t really go to the store with a list of what you want. Keep your mind and options open to what you might find.


Here are some ideas of what you could search for at a vintage or thrift store:


  • An awesome coffee table book

  • Vintage board game they love

  • Unique piece of art

  • A watch (may need to replace the battery!)

  • Cozy designer winter coat


Make A Homemade Gift


If you like to give gifts to neighbors, teachers, delivery drivers and other acquaintances, it can get expensive. Giving something “small” like a gift card can actually end up costing a lot. Consider making a homemade gift that you can have on hand for those acquaintances. A big batch of Christmas candy, for example, can go a long way with gifting. You can even get creative and make homemade gift tags.


If you have kids, there’s nothing sweeter than a homemade gift from your kids. For teachers, in-laws who live out-of-state and even neighbors, giving something homemade is really special. An ornament, card, art piece, framed photo and gift basket are all great ideas!


Think Small But Thoughtful


Oftentimes we think we have to go big when it comes to gifting. However, giving something thoughtful is actually way more meaningful. When you’re thinking about what to get someone, put some real thought into it. What would be useful to them in their everyday life? What do they like to learn about? How do they spend their free time? Thinking about these kinds of questions will lead you to a gift idea that will really hit home.


In a year from now, will you remember the gifts you were given? At the end of the day, it really is the thought that counts. Putting in some extra thought and effort will increase your chances of giving a really memorable gift. What could be better than that?!

Challenge yourself this season to be more intentional with your time and money. Don’t be afraid to show up empty handed to a holiday party, but make the most of the time you spend with loved ones. Enjoy the season to the fullest and you won’t have any regrets!

Holiday Gift Tracker

If you need additional help creating and sticking to a holiday budget, I encourage you to download my Holiday Gift Tracker where you can set spending limits and document your holiday gift expenses. The downloadable template also includes an event planner for the week before Christmas along with a contacts tab for when you are ready to send out Christmas cards.

I’ve been using this spreadsheet for years—it’s so helpful when the holiday season starts to get busy. I hope these tips help you stay on budget this year and I can’t wait for you to start planning and organizing!


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