5 Budget Friendly Ways To Be Eco-Friendly

5 Budget Friendly Ways To Be Eco-Friendly

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  1. Shop Second Hand!

Shop used, repair your broken things, resell and donate, don't just throw away and buy new! You would be surprised at some of the things you can find at secondhand shops or garage sales. I think it’s important to once in a while be okay with working with what you already have- it’s nice to get new furniture or gadgets but the value and appreciation comes from being creative and repairing or refurbishing something old. Then when it really is time for an upgrade or for something to be replaced, pass it forward by donating so someone else can re-purpose the old. On that same note, one of the things I’ve been doing recently is using hole-y shirts and socks as cleaning rags! I wrote a whole blog on budget friendly fashion…

2. Focus on buying higher quality products that work better and last longer

A few ideas are to buy products that are reusable or that will last longer. (ex: water bottles, snack or sandwich bags, produce bags and wraps, fabric napkins, and clothing) This helps to save money in the long run by having a quality product that lasts so you don’t have to constantly be buying these products or having to replace the cheap version. Using fabric napkins at your meals is a very easy way to lower your waste even if you are only using them a few times a week. Napkins and paper towels literally wipe up messes and spills so you're spending money on your spills; when fabric towels and napkins work just as well and will last you way longer. Plus, a nice set of fabric napkins can be a great gift for those around you who are wanting to live a more Eco-friendly and budget friendly lifestyle. When it comes to clothing sometimes it’s more budget friendly to spend more upfront on a pair of nice shoes that will last you for years rather than purchase new shoes at a lower price once or twice a year that end up being thrown away or wearing out. I love going to the outlets for the nicer items too and using any sales they may have as a way to compound on the savings all around.

3. Buy bars not bottles and purchase in bulk!

Many grocery options can be sold in bulk that you can fill your own container with such as flours, nuts, seeds, granola, and even snack mixes and candy! This will save you money because you won’t be paying for packaging and the branding costs. In turn you will have reduced your waste by a lot because you don’t have wrappers and bags to throw out. When purchasing soaps and shampoos and conditioners- there are lots of different bottle-less options nowadays. Many companies have created shampoo bars which work great and don’t come with the waste of the plastic bottle. Plus they are great for traveling without leaking!

4. Be mindful about your waste habits.

Have a mindset of thankfulness and taking care to be conscious about what you throw away (food waste is a big one)! Meal plan and freeze your leftovers for another day instead of throwing it out just because you are bored of that meal. We need to be aware of the daily consumer choices we make and take small steps to stretch ourselves to have less of a consumer mindset. A helpful tip for not wasting is sharing! If you have too much food, share with those around you; this can also be applied to clothes or really anything you have plenty of.

5. Lower your electricity bill & cancel unwanted subscriptions

The following are absolutely free things you can do for the environment and your budget. Just being aware of what things are plugged in and being used, and turning off lights when not in the room alone will save you money each month, and will help you live with an Eco-friendly mindset. Also any of that junk mail or unwanted subscriptions that keep coming to your mailbox- take some time to cancel those mailings to cut back on just throwing them away once you check your mail.

What are some of your Eco & Budget friendly tips? Share this with anyone who wants to save a little extra money or who is looking to lower their footprint on our planet. Happy Earth Day!